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SSUSA National Convention



2022 Convention Cancelation Notice


Oct. 26, 2022


We regretfully announce that there will be no SSUSA Convention in Ft. Myers this December due to the small response and short notice caused by the destructive Hurricane Ian.


We will be arranging a Rules Committee meeting and ceremonies for the Hall of Fame inductions and will announce the details later in November.


While we are disappointed, we realize that the Ft. Myers area has many more important issues to deal with at this time and offer our best wishes for a complete recovery from this major hurricane.



Terry Hennessy

Chief Executive Officer

Senior Softball-USA







Senior Softball-USA
Phone: (916) 326-5303
Fax: (916) 326-5304
9823 Old Winery Place, Suite 12
Sacramento, CA 95827
Senior Softball-USA is dedicated to informing and uniting the Senior Softball Players of America and the World. Senior Softball-USA sanctions tournaments and championships, registers players, writes the rulebook, publishes Senior Softball-USA News, hosts international softball tours and promotes Senior Softball throughout the world. More than 1.5 million men and women over 40 play Senior Softball in the United States today. »SSUSA History  »Privacy policy

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